Raff is home.

Created by A. Margaret 3 years ago

Raff and my husband Michael and I go back over 50 years, to the Sheffield University Tenpin Bowling club. My first clear memory was at Michael's 1968 21st birthday party in North Finchley. At some point, Raff decided to leave, walking. I thought that he said he was heading for central London, and only recently realised, talking to his wonderful sister  Joy, who has become a dear friend over the last many months, that he was heading to their home in Tottenham. 

Some time last year, our mutual friend and fellow bowler, Roy Thurling, connected me to Raff (we had exchanged literally one or two e-mails over the years, other than that), with the news that Raff had serious stomach cancer. From Florida, where God sent Michael and me in 1981 (we thought that it was our idea!), I began sending prayers daily to Raff on Facebook Messenger. Over the weeks and months, we chatted, enjoyed video calls, and became close friends.  I came to know Joy, and Raff shared about Sandra and her children. I prayed and continue to pray daily for them all, and still chat regularly with Joy.

What use is prayer, you may ask, because Raff died? Moreover, the friends who knew Raff as an atheist are probably surprised. Well, we all die, but I was blessed to be used by God, together with Raff's deep love for Joy, to draw him back to the faith of his childhood, and to hear him say, with great peace, that he would soon be in the Arms of Jesus. At this time, there is no greater blessing than to know that the hug that I wanted to give Raff on earth - and I know that Joy did too - we will be able to give to him in Heaven.